Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Motherfish #17.5- Sorry Sam

Unfortunately, my finals are taking up more of my time then I anticipated, so today's review isn't going to be so much a review as me apologizing for how much it sucks and then briefly talking about another local band I really enjoy.


I extend my apologies to Diego Paulo, an incredibly talented band on my campus, because they aren't getting the recognition they deserve. Their review happened to fall on a week when I have a stupid amount of work to do, and apparently I need a new upgraded version of Flash to listen to music on Myspace now, and apparently I'm a fucking moron because every time I try to get the upgrade my computer shits a brick and doesn't actually upgrade.

Diego Paulo offers some laid back, folkish tunes which totally kick ass. They're a talented group of musicians playing a style that you don't seen in the mainstream too often these days. If you're into Bob Dylan, Fiest, or any type of acoustic-rock, you'll probably dig these guys. They play a lot of coffee shops and local venues around here, and they have a great vibe. Honestly, now that I think about it, they utilize vocal harmonies that sort of remind me of The Zombies. Bands with multiple singers aren't rare, but they aren't common (multiple singers meaning the duties of main vocals are divided up among two or more band members), and it gives the band variety. I'm going to be honest here, Diego Paulo lays down serious groove tunes. For fans of jam bands without the boring repetitiveness, jam bands without the boring repetitiveness, and jam bands without the boring repetitiveness.


Next week when local music May comes to a close, I'll have some more followup comments about Diego Paulo, because this band is seriously fucking amazing and they deserve more than this shitty spot I've given them. I promise guys, I'll make it up to you!

Go on and check out their music. Holiday is my personal favorite song.

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