Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The beginning of Motherfish Music

Welcome to Motherfish Music. This is a blog that I've created in my spare time to spread new music and good music, and to warn people who love good music what kind of shit is floating out there in the great interweb sea. I'm not pushing an agenda; I don't have a raging hard on for Pitchfork and subsequently masturbate to everything they give a good review to, and I don't subscribe to Alternative Press or Hip Music Magazine or the Indie Rock Periodical or whatever. Most of my reviews are bands that I've come across by word of mouth or through random stumblings. Some technical difficulties (i.e. me being retarded and not saving my entry for today and being way to lazy to re-type the whole thing) prevented me from actually starting off today, but that's ok. 

Here's how it's going to work.

Motherfish Music will update every Tuesday. That's right, TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY. The first Tuesday of every month I will be featuring some brand spankin' new album I purchased solely for the purpose of educating the world. That means some albums will be awesome, some will be mediocre, and some will suck the shit right from a sewer. You take the good with the bad in this bizzness people. I will also be taking recommendations. So if you're on the fence about something, just curious what I'd think, or keep bitching to all your little friends about how good something is even though they keep disagreeing and want to see if they're right, drop me a line at motherfishmusic@gmail.com with the subject "Request" and I'll get on it as soon as possible. I'll eventually get to all requests and respond to the emails, and some requests will be featured as posts. Oh, the honor.

Next Tuesday, in an effort to sort of give an overview of what my music taste is (not that any of you care, but it can help you determine if you think my opinion is valid or not), I will be featuring my top 5 personal favorite albums. That brings us right to February 3rd, which will begin with a review of something NEW and AWESOME (maybe). Join me next week when I get to nerd out about how much I love music and how it's changed my life and made me a better person and etc etc etc.

Until then, keep breathing.

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